Are you ready to make transformation happen?

The need for transformation is picking up across virtually every industry. Yet, few companies are set up for this.

The Building the Transformational Company online program teaches the 10 principles in detail and equips you to lead large-scale transformation projects in your own organization.

Get access to exclusive tools that allows you to succesfully lead transformation with your clients or your company

Five weeks, five modules and five live webinars led by author Christian Rangen. This program is ideal for teams and large groups.

What You'll Get

  • 5 live webinars with Christian Rangen

  • Work to develop your company's transformation roadmap with Christian Rangen over 5 weeks

  • 6 hours of self-paced content and learning (in easily-consumed bite-sized pieces)

  • Exclusive access to 10 new transformation strategy tools (Canvases) – only available in the online program

  • Building the Transformational Company – Workbook

  • Multiple case studies on Transformation in practice

  • Exclusive content on how Transformation starts – only available in the online program

  • The latest insights, tools and thinking on transformation

  • Access to the global Strategy Tools Community

Exclusive content - only available with This Program

The online program is built on Building the Transformational Company – a CEO Handbook. Now you get a chance to dig deeper. Learn the tools, get the insights, learn how you can successfully lead transformation.

Get a total of 10 brand new strategy tools which you can use to build successful transformation strategies for your clients, lead your strategy team and guide your top management team through shocks, shifts and evolutions.

Program Outcomes

  • Deep dive learning into how to build the transformational company

    Built around the 10 principles of Transformation - this program will go deep into the tools, principles and case studies. You will work on weekly mini projects that will help you quickly understand and absorb these insights.

  • Analysis and insights into transformation case studies across industries

    From understanding what Transformation is, to designing and leading your own transformation - you will learn from some of the world's best and worst examples of transformation.

  • Lead successful transformation

    During the program, you will be introduced to a set of brand new tools and methodologies that you will immediately be able to apply in your real-life role. These tools will help you lead successful transformation, either in your own company or with your clients.

Who is it for?

This program is designed for:

  • Strategy leaders, transformation leaders, strategy, innovation, & transformation teams

  • Top management and senior decision makers facing disruptive industry trends or large-scale transformation challenges

  • HR, L&D teams that want to build deeper transformational capacity across the firm with large group learning programs

  • Consultants, advisers, management consultants, small consulting companies, strategy & innovation consultants

Exclusive content: only available in this online learning program

"How does it start?"

The Transformation Starters Map guides you through the step-by-step process of how transformation starts. This brand new insight and toolkit is only available in the online learning program.

Course Dates

2nd April: Online academy content gets released

16th April, 14:00 – 15:00 CET: Webinar 1: What is “Building the Transformational Company”?

24th April, 14:00 – 15:00 CET: Webinar 2: Understanding the Landscape

3oth April, 14:00 – 15:00 CET: Webinar 3: Designing the Journey

7th May, 14:00 – 15:00 CET: Webinar 4: Building the Operations

14th May, 14:00 – 15:00 CET: Webinar 5: Leading Your Transformation

All live webinars will be recorded and added to the course material.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. About this Program

    3. Information about the Live Webinars

    4. 3 Questions

    5. How We Will Work

    6. About Your Project Work During This Program

    7. Your Project Work During this Program

    8. Join Strategy Tools Universe

    9. Closing Introduction

    10. Mini Project 1: Define Your Own Strategy & Transformation Challenge (Due: April 15, 2020)

    1. Your Own Transformation Project (To Be Completed By May 20, 2020)

    1. Downloads: Program Resources

    1. Live Webinar Dates + Invite Links

    2. Recordings of Live Webinars

    3. Recording & Slides of Webinar 1

    4. Recording & Slides of Webinar 2

    5. Recording & Slides of Webinar 3

    6. Recording & Slides of Webinar 4

    7. Recording & Slides of Webinar 5

    1. What is Building the Transformational Company?

    2. Discussion & Reflection: Orsted

    3. Introduction to Module I

    4. Module I: Key Topics & Outcomes

    5. What is Transformation?

    6. Why Transform?

    7. Discussion & Reflection: Why Transform

    8. What is The Transformational Company?

    9. The Idea of the Firm

    10. Case: Equinor's Idea of the Firm

    11. Discussion & Reflection: Idea of the Firm

    12. Transformation is Everywhere

    13. Discussion & Reflection: Industries

    14. Three Types of Transformation

    15. Discussion & Reflection: Three Types of Transformation

    16. Case: Volkswagen

    17. VW CEO says "Carmaker Faces Same Fate as Nokia Without Urgent Reforms..."

    18. Discussion & Reflection: VW Case

    19. The 10 Principles of Transformation

    20. Transformational Company Index (TCI)

    21. Discussion & Reflection: TCI

    22. Closing the Transformation Gap

    23. Alexander Osterwalder: Spend 40% of Your Time on Innovation

    24. The Transformation Journey

    25. Discussion & Reflection: Transformation Journey

    26. Module I: Closing Questions

    27. From Learning to Action

    28. About Mini Project 2: TCI

    29. Mini Project 2: TCI (Due: Apr 23, 2020)

    30. Closing Module I

    1. Introduction

    2. Module II: Key Topics & Outcomes

    3. The 10 Principles of Transformation & The Transformation Roadmap

    4. Discussion & Reflection: Transformation Roadmap

    5. Principle 1: Understand Your Industry Shifts

    6. Principle 2: Master New Ecosystems

    7. Case: Samsung's Ecosystem Strategy

    8. Samsung's Ecosystem Strategy

    9. Discussion & Reflection: Samsung

    10. Principle 3: Core Growth Explore

    11. Transformation Patterns

    12. Mini Assignment: Transformation Patterns

    13. Discussion & Reflection: Closing Questions

    14. About Mini Project 3: Your Transformation Gap

    15. Mini Project 3: Your Transformation Gap (Due: Apr 31, 2020)

    16. Closing Module II

About this course

  • €499,00
  • 102 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content

Pricing Options

We have two options available.

Option 1. Take the online course, receive your certification upon completion.

Option 2. Take the online course, receive your certification and a recommendation report by Christian Rangen upon completion.

The personalized report is based on your project work during the course, with custom, actionable recommendations for your company or your clients. Christian will personally walk you through his recommendations once the program is completed.

Corporate Teams or Groups?

Are you looking to sign up your team or larger groups? Contact us today.