Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. About this Program

    3. Getting Certified

    4. 3 Questions

    5. How We Will Work

    6. About Your Project Work During This Program

    7. Your Project Work During this Program

    8. Join Strategy Tools Universe

    9. Closing Introduction

    10. Mini Project 1: Define Your Own Strategy & Transformation Challenge

    1. Your Own Transformation Project (To Be Completed By End of the Program)

    1. Downloads: Program Resources

    1. What is Building the Transformational Company?

    2. Discussion & Reflection: Orsted

    3. Introduction to Module I

    4. Module I: Key Topics & Outcomes

    5. What is Transformation?

    6. Why Transform?

    7. Discussion & Reflection: Why Transform

    8. What is The Transformational Company?

    9. The Idea of the Firm

    10. Case: Equinor's Idea of the Firm

    11. Discussion & Reflection: Idea of the Firm

    12. Transformation is Everywhere

    13. Discussion & Reflection: Industries

    14. Three Types of Transformation

    15. Discussion & Reflection: Three Types of Transformation

    16. Case: Volkswagen

    17. VW CEO says "Carmaker Faces Same Fate as Nokia Without Urgent Reforms..."

    18. Discussion & Reflection: VW Case

    19. The 10 Principles of Transformation

    20. Transformational Company Index (TCI)

    21. Discussion & Reflection: TCI

    22. Closing the Transformation Gap

    23. Alexander Osterwalder: Spend 40% of Your Time on Innovation

    24. The Transformation Journey

    25. Discussion & Reflection: Transformation Journey

    26. Discussion & Reflection: Closing Questions

    27. From Learning to Action

    28. About Mini Project 2: TCI

    29. Mini Project 2: TCI

    30. About Mini Project 3: Your Transformation Gap

    31. Mini Project 3: Your Transformation Gap

    32. Closing Module I

    1. Introduction

    2. Module II: Key Topics & Outcomes

    3. The 10 Principles of Transformation & The Transformation Roadmap

    4. Discussion & Reflection: Transformation Roadmap

    5. Principle 1: Understand Your Industry Shifts

    6. Principle 2: Master New Ecosystems

    7. Case: Samsung's Ecosystem Strategy

    8. Samsung's Ecosystem Strategy

    9. Discussion & Reflection: Samsung

    10. Principle 3: Core Growth Explore

    11. Transformation Patterns

    12. Mini Assignment: Transformation Patterns

    13. Discussion & Reflection: Closing Questions

    14. Closing Module II

    1. Introduction

    2. Module III: Key Topics & Outcomes

    3. Where We Are on the Transformation Roadmap

    4. Principle 4: Create the Transformation Architecture

    5. Principle 5: Innovation Strategy

    6. Working on the Market Opportunity Canvas and Mininum Innovation Strategy Canvas

    7. Principle 6: Learn to Build Business Model Portfolios

    8. Principle 7: Master Corporate Venturing

    9. Designing the Journey

    10. Module III: Closing Questions

    11. A Little About Your Final Project

    12. Closing Module III

About this course

  • €499,00
  • 95 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content